Travel Fellowships
The Board of
Directors is pleased to announce the
recipients of the 2006
Kristeller-Popkin Travel Fellowships:
(Post-Doctoral Fellow, Oxford, England)
della Mirandola and Gersonides: Epistemology
and Exegesis
Black will examine Ms. Vat. Lat.
4273, Gersonides’ commentary on the Song of
Songs, which was one of many Hebrew
manuscripts that Pico had translated into
Latin. This manuscript contains many marginal
notes by Pico. This project grows out of
Black’s dissertation, in which he argued that
there are parallels between Gersonides’
concept of exegesis and Pico’s views expressed
in the Heptaplus.
Benjamin D. Hill
(University of Western Ontario)
The Medical
Origins of John Locke’s Essay
Concerning Human Understanding
postulates that Locke’s medical background
informed the earliest stages of his
epistemological project, which culminated in the
Essay. He will use the fellowship to study
Locke’s manuscripts, held at the Bodleian Library in
Oxford, to search for evidence supporting this
Santiago Orrego
Sanchez (Pontificia Universidad Católica de
The Historical and
Doctrinal Background to Suarez’s Metaphysics.
Unedited Sources of the 'School of Salamanca’
at the Vatican Library
the Vatican Apostolic Library to study the
manuscripts that will shed light on Suarez’s
direct and indirect teachers at the University
of Salamanca. The rich, unpublished collection
of manuscripts reveals the existence of a living
tradition of philosophical discussion, knowledge
of which often alters the interpretation of
Suarez’s thought.