The Board of Directors of the Journal of
the History of
Philosophy is
pleased to announce the
Kristeller-Popkin Travel Fellowships
program for 2025.
These fellowships are in recognition
of the scholarship and generous
support that two of the founding
members of the JHP
Board of Directors have given to the
journal: Paul Oskar Kristeller (one of
the founding directors of JHP
and renowned Renaissance scholar) and
Richard Popkin (first editor of JHP
and noted historian of skepticism).
Two awards of up to $4000 (depending
upon the project budget) are offered
annually to young scholars in the
history of philosophy to defray
expenses while traveling to do
research. Applicants must have the PhD
but may not have received it more than
six years prior to applying.
Applicants who do not receive awards
in one year's competition are invited
to apply in successive years.
Application documents should be combined
into a single pdf document
and sent by email to Professor Eric
Watkins (,
to whom letters of support should be
sent separately.
behalf of the Board of
Directors, we are
pleased to announce that
the recipients of this
year's Kristeller-Popkin
Travel Fellowships are Marta
Munich) and