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Book Review Information
ISSN 0022-5053 (print)
E-ISSN 1538-4586 (electronic)

Last updated: October 2024

© Journal of the History of Philosophy, Inc.


Editor: Deborah Boyle (College of Charleston)
Managing Editor: Hank Southgate (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Book Review Editor: Giorgio Pini (Fordham University)
Founding Editor: Richard H. Popkin
Former Editors: Rudolf Makkreel, Benson Mates, David Fate Norton, Gerald A. Press, Richard A. Watson, Tad M. Schmaltz, Steven Nadler, Jack Zupko

Board of Directors

President:  Steven Nadler (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

Deborah Boyle (College of Charleston)
Taylor Carman (Barnard College, Columbia University)
Rebecca Copenhaver (Washington University in St. Louis)
Juliet Floyd (Boston University)
Mariska Leunissen (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
Christiana Olfert (Tufts University)
Giorgio Pini (Fordham University)
Lisa Shapiro (McGill University)

Jean-Luc Solère (Boston College)
Eileen Sweeney (Boston College)
Eric Watkins (University of California, San Diego)
Kenneth Winkler (Yale University)
Rachel Zuckert (Northwestern University)
Jack Zupko (University of Alberta)


College of Charleston
Emory University
Fordham University
University of Wisconsin, Madison

Editorial Board

Peter Adamson (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München)
James Allen (University of Toronto)
Peter Anstey (Australian Catholic University)
Wiep van Bunge (Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam)
Maudemarie Clark (University of California, Riverside; Colgate University)
Corey Dyck (Western University)
Corinne Gartner (Wellesley College)
Karolina Hübner (Cornell University)
Michelle Kosch (Johns Hopkins University)
Henrik Lagerlund (Stockholm University)
Denis McManus (University of Southampton)
Cheryl Misak (University of Toronto)
Robert Pasnau (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Dominik Perler (Humboldt University, Berlin)
Elizabeth S. Radcliffe (The College of William and Mary)
Bernard Reginster (Brown University)
Sally Sedgwick (Boston University)

Book Review Advisory Committee

Ruth Boeker (University College Dublin)
Caleb Cohoe (Metropolitan State University of Denver)
Therese Cory (University of Notre Dame)
Rotraud Hansberger (LMU München)

Helen Hattab (University of Houston)
Alexander Klein (McMaster University)
Christian Leduc (Université de Montréale)
Michael Nance (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)

Andreja Novakovic (University of California, Berkeley)

Alison Peterman (University of Rochester)

Denis Robichaud (University of Notre Dame)
Yonatan Shemesh (Yale University)
Katherine Withy (Georgetown

Editorial Consultants

For evaluation of manuscripts, the Editors rely upon the expert judgment of numerous scholars. A list of their names appears annually in the October issue with the volume index.