The Journal of the
History of Philosophy occasionally
selects articles published in its
pages for 30 minute podcast
interviews with the author(s). The
interviewer and interviewee are
both specialists in the field, but
the podcast focuses on the
significance of the article for
the general philosophical public.
Listen to
each episode by clicking on the
episode title.
Podcast: Episode 6, Andrew
Chignell interviews Jessica Moss
and Whitney Schwab
In this episode, Andrew Chignell
(Princeton University) interviews
Jessica Moss (New York University) and
Whitney Schwab (University of Maryland,
Baltimore County) about their coauthored
article, “The Birth of Belief,” Journal
of the History of Philosophy, 57.1
(January 2019): 1–32. The article won
JHP’s prize for best article published
in 2019. Andy Gittlitz, producer. Music
by J. S. Bach, performed by Taylor
JHP Podcast: Episode 5,
Samuel Levey interviews Richard
In this episode, Samuel Levey (Dartmouth
College) interviews Richard Arthur
(McMaster University) about his book,
Monads, Composition, and Force:
Ariadnean Threads Through Leibniz’s
Labyrinth (Oxford University Press,
2018), winner of the 2022 JHP Book
Prize. Andy Gittlitz, producer. Music by
J. S. Bach, performed by Taylor Carman.
JHP Podcast: Episode 4,
Eric Watkins interviews Arthur
In this episode, Eric Watkins (UC, San
Diego) interviews Arthur Ripstein
(University of Toronto) about his book,
Kant and the Law of War (Oxford Univeristy
Press, 2021), winner of the 2022 JHP Book
Prize. Andy Gittlitz, producer. Music by
J. S. Bach, performed by Taylor Carman.
JHP Podcast: Episode 3,
Matthew Walker
In this episode, John Wynne (Classics,
University of Utah) interviews Matthew
Walker on Matthew’s article, “Aristotle’s
Eudemus and the Propaedeutic Use of the
Dialogue Form,” Journal of the History of
Philosophy, 59.3 (July 2021): 399–427. The
article won the JHP’s Prize for best
article published in 2021. The interview
was recorded in October 2022.
Transcription by Calum Jopling, University
of Alberta.
JHP Podcast: Episode 2,
Karen Ng
In this episode, Jacob McNulty (Dartmouth
College) interviews Karen Ng (Vanderbilt
University), whose Hegel’s Concept of
Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic
(Oxford University Press, 2020) was
awarded JHP’s 2021 Book Prize. The
interview was recorded in July of 2022.
Producer: Andrew Gittlitz. Music: Taylor
Carman. JHP contact: Taylor Carman
( Transcription by
Taylor Carman, Department of Philosophy,
Barnard College.
JHP Podcast: Episode 1,
Jari Kaukua
In this episode, Peter Adamson (LMU
Munich) interviews Jari Kaukua (University
of Jyväskylä, Finland) on Jari’s article,
“Avicenna's Outsourced Rationalism,”
Journal of the History of Philosophy 58.2
(April 2020): 215-40. The article won the
JHP’s Prize for the best article published
in its pages in 2020. The interview
was recorded in November 2021.
Producer: Andrew Gittlitz. Music:
Taylor Carman. JHP contact: Jack
Zupko (
Transcription by Calum Jopling, University
of Alberta.