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Book Review Information
ISSN 0022-5053 (print)
E-ISSN 1538-4586 (electronic)

Last updated: July 2023

© Journal of the History of Philosophy, Inc.

JHP Submission Guidelines

The Journal of the History of Philosophy is an internal journal that publishes articles, notes and discussions, current scholarship reviews, and book reviews in the following areas: Ancient Greek and Latin Philosophy, early to late Medieval Philosophy (Latin, Arabic, Hebrew), and European and Anglo-American philosophical traditions from the Renaissance to the 20th century. We also consider contributions that explore historical influences among these areas and with traditions in the history of philosophy not mentioned here. The journal publishes material in English, French, and German. It appears quarterly in January, April, July, and October.

MANUSCRIPTS should be sent as e-mail attachments in Microsoft Worddocuments to jhp@philosophy.wisc.edu. Please include a short abstract. In addition, in order for the refereeing process to start, include a letter of submission indicating that the work is original, has not appeared in print, and is not under consideration elsewhere.

Please also include your present academic/institutional affiliation in your letter of submission.

The average length of an article in JHP is between 10,000 and 14,000 words including bibliography and footnotes. Submissions should not exceed 14,000 words. Discussion notes are usually between 4,000 and 6,000 words. All direct and indirect references to the author in the manuscript should be removed. (This includes identifying references which appear unbeknownst to many authors in the document’s “Properties” section, which is found under “File” in MS Word.) Submissions not prepared for blind review will be returned for correction. For citation format, please consult the latest issue and the Chicago Manual of Style.

By submitting a manuscript to JHP, the author acknowledges that the work is original, has not appeared in print and is not under consideration elsewhere. It is the JHP's policy not to consider for review revisions of papers that have received a final rejection, even if they have been significantly modified. The JHP asks authors to wait six months between submissions (with the time elapse starting when a paper is first submitted).

SUBSCRIPTIONS and back issues are available from: Johns Hopkins University Press, P. O. Box 19966, Baltimore, MD 21211-0966, USA.

BOOKS FOR REVIEW and related correspondence should be sent to: Professor Giorgio Pini, JHP Book Review Editor, Fordham University Philosophy Department, 113 W 60th Street, New York, NY, 10023, USA.

JHP Peer Review Process

JHP Advice for Authors

JHP Author's Style Sheet